

Informed by my own life story, I coach professionals who feel stuck and want to reinvent themselves to reclaim purpose and passion at work, and meaning in their lives. 

Outside of supporting corporate clients manage professional transitions, my transformational coaching engagements have predominantly involved people in their midlife seeking greater fulfilment and meaning – whether it’s working in a different industry or embarking on a new vocation altogether. In all cases, my clients want to do justice to their personal gifts and talents, and live out their deferred or unexplored dreams. 

I first listened to Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech at the American Consulate in Karachi (Pakistan) in 1988. That speech inspires me to stand side by side with minorities and immigrants with a track record of achievement, struggling to thrive in a dominant culture different from that of their family of origin. These are the coaching engagements that draw the best in me!

How a Coach can help you:

The myth of Sisyphus: It’s not what happens to us that matters; what matters is our attitude towards what happens

The myth of Sisyphus: It’s not what happens to us that matters; what matters is our attitude towards what happens

A coach brings process efficiency and relationship support to make personal transformation happen. 


The coaching process involves:

·      Clarifying what you want

·      Mapping out an action plan to get what you want

·      Supporting you realize your dream, vision, or goal


Many prospective clients have asked me why they can’t simply read a self-help book to change their life. Here’s why I recommend they work with a coach.

·      Insight doesn’t translate directly into new outcomes. For change to stick, it needs to be embodied. A coach can Design Experiences that support a new way of being for client. 

·      Simply stating goals doesn’t automatically guarantee that they will happen. As your Thinking Partner, your coach helps test your logic and bring objectivity to your plans.

·      A coach holds a mirror so you can See your Blind Spots and Use your Personal Strengths in ways that make more choices and actions available to you.  

·      Human beings are wired to resist change. Fear, doubt, and uncertainty can sabotage your dreams. The coach serves as both an Accountability Partner and Cheerleader to inspire you to believe in yourself in times when you may be ready to quit or defer your dream.


Reclaim Your Life!


If it’s not our time, then whose is it?